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Terms of Use Revised December 01, 2023

To use the Turkana County Energy Database (TCED), you’ll need to agree to the Terms of Use below.

  1. Data Accuracy
    The datasets on TCED are sourced from publications by reputable organsations and local census of energy data. 
    TCG reviews and corrects all data before availing it on TCED website.
    Please contact us for correction in case of any invalid data on the TCED website.
  2. Indemnity  
    By accepting to use and interacting with TCED, and associated data and services, you release and hold harmless the TCG, and its respective parents, subsidiaries, affiliates, employees and agents from any and all liability or any injury, loss or damage of any kind arising from or in connection with TCED, associated data, marketing communication, website or any benefits it provides.
    TCG may at any time with or without a separate notice change or update this Terms of Use Agreement, and You are encouraged to review this agreement from time to time on The TCG website.
  3. Contact  If you have any questions about TCED’s Terms of Use, you are encouraged to contact on email address