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The Turkana County Energy Database has been established by Turkana County Government in line with its mandate under the Energy Act of 2019, fifth schedule, part B, 3 (i).

The process has been achieved in partnership with GIZ and Turkana University College through the German Cooperation Technical Assistance Project in Energy Solutions for Displacement Settings in Kenya

The database has been developed by Koxcloud Digital Limited and is aimed at enabling easier and centralized access of energy data by all stakeholders including county government staff, development partners, private sector, non-governmental organizations, academia and the general public. It provides a platform for consumption and sharing of energy data to inform policy and development of projects in the county.

While accessing the contents of this database, users take note that the information is based on primary and data collected between October and December 2023. Users are therefore encouraged to make informed analysis of the datasets. In addition, users are requested to submit updated datasets or relevant reports to the County Government to ensure their timely review and approvals for uploading and external sharing.

The County Government, through the Directorate of Energy and Petroleum, appreciates the continued partnership with all energy stakeholders in contributing towards the achievement of the County’s development agenda as outlined in the County Integrated Development Plan 2023 – 2027.
Turkana County Energy Database (TCED) has been developed and made freely available to county government staff, development partners, private sector, non-governmental organizations, academia and individuals to energy share data and analytics.