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1IFC INVESTS $50 MILLION IN SOLAR POWER PROJECT IN KENYANEWSThe IFC - International Finance Corporation (IFC), a member of The World Bank Group, has invested $50 million in a solar power project in Kenya. The project, called the Lake Turkana Solar Power Project, is a 310-megawatt solar farm that is being developed by Lake Turkana Solar Power Company Limited (LTSPC).
The Lake Turkana Solar Power Project is the largest solar power project in Kenya. It is located in the remote Turkana region of Kenya, which is home to some of the best solar resources in the world. The project is expected to generate enough electricity to power over 600,000 homes in Kenya.
2TURKANA GEOTHERMAL PROJECT IN KENYA SECURES $1M GRANT FROM AFRICAN UNIONNEWSAs reported today from Kenya, Olsuswa Energy has received a grant totalling $980,000 (about Sh101.5 million) from the African Union Commission (AUC), towards the development of its Turkana geothermal power plant.\r\nMr Manga, the Olsuswa Energy director and the chairman of Mayfox Mining - currently prospecting for gold and other precious metals in Turkana - said in a statement the funds will go towards co-funding the development of the 140MW geothermal project. The first phase was planned to start operation in 2022.WEBSITE
3MINISTRY OF ENERGY AND PETROLEUM - RENEWABLE ENERGY PROJECT & STUDIESGOVERNMENT AGENCYThe Kenya Off-grid Solar Project (KOSAP) and Sustainable Energy Technical Assistance (SETA) projects and the Emission Study, 2019.
4MINISTRY OF ENERGY AND PETROLEUM - RENEWABLE ENERGY PROJECT & STUDIESGOVERNMENT AGENCYThe Last Mile Connectivity Project, Public/Street Lighting Project, Battery Energy Storage System (BESS), National Standards and Specifications, Least Cost Power Development Plan (LCPDP) and Power Generation and Transmission Master Plan, Kenya 2015-2035.WEBSITE

5ENERGY REGULATORY COMMISSION OF KENYA (EPRA)GOVERNMENT AGENCYThe Energy and Petroleum Regulatory Authority (EPRA) is regulates and monitors generation, importation, exportation, transmission, distribution, supply and use of electrical energy, and collects, maintain and manage upstream energy data.WEBSITE

6EPRA - RENEWABLE ENERGY PORTALGOVERNMENT AGENCYThe purpose of the portal is to provide easy access to relevant information about administrative entry requirements and procedures for operating a power plant based on renewable energy, the legal and regulatory framework for such investments (e.g., tariff regulation) and relevant market information.WEBSITE

7KENYA FORESTRY RESEARCH INSTITUTE (KEFRI)GOVERNMENT AGENCYKEFRI undertakes research and provides technologies and information for sustainable management, conservation and development of forests and allied natural resources.WEBSITE

8KENYA FOREST SERVICE (KFS)GOVERNMENT AGENCYKenya Forest Service is a state corporation with the mandate of managing, rehabilitating, developing, protecting, conserving and strengthening capacity for efficient utilization of all public natural forests.WEBSITE
9RURAL ELECTRIFICATION AND RENEWABLE ENERGY CORPORATION (REREC)GOVERNMENT AGENCYREREC was established with the aim to tackle Kenya’s most pressing socio-economic need: subsidized electricity in rural areas

10PRACTICAL ACTION IN KENYANGOWorking with communities, government, businesses and donors, Practical Action harnesses the power of clean energy, sustainable agriculture, water, sanitation and waste management to tackle poverty, create jobs, empower women, reverse biodiversity loss and combat the climate crisis.


11KENYA MERCY CORPSNGOMercy Corps has been working in Kenya since 2008, partnering with Kenyan communities to drive peace and development. Last year, our programs reached over 905,000 people across the country.


12KENYA SNVDEVELOPMENT PARTNERSNV works with government institutions, non-governmental organisations, and the private sector to increase the adoption and use of renewable sources of energy. SNV applies a market-based approach to increase energy efficiency and build resilient livelihoods. With energy as an enabler for many other Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), our work contributes to climate change, mitigation, and adaptation.


13GIZ KENYADEVELOPMENT PARTNEROn behalf of the German Government, GIZ works with national, international, and private sector partners in Kenya. The priority areas are sustainable economic development and employment promotion, agriculture and food security and renewable energy and climate change.WEBSITE

14UNITED NATIONS HIGH COMMISSIONER FOR REFUGEES (UNHCR KENYA)HUMANITARIAN AGENCYKenya is the fifth largest refugee-hosting country in Africa and the thirteenth largest asylum country in the world, with over 650,000 registered refugees and asylum-seekers. The vast majority reside in refugee camps. More than 275,000 people in Dadaab (Garissa County) and more than 280,000 in Kakuma (Turkana County). About 95,000 refugees reside in Nairobi and other urban areas. Figures as of September 2023.WEBSITE

15FOOD AND AGRICULTURE ORGANIZATION OF THE UNITED NATIONS (FAO)HUMANITARIAN AGENCYSustainable food systems and agricultural practices can adapt, build resilience, and mitigate emissionsWEBSITE

16TURKANA UNIVERSITY COLLEGE (TUC)EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONDon Bosco Kakuma started in 1993, it is an educational and charitable institution owned and administered by the Salesians of Don Bosco Eastern Africa. It has a well-established presence in Kakuma Refugee Camp in Turkana County in the diocese of Lodwar.WEBSITE

17LODWAR VOCATIONAL TRAINING CENTEREDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONLodwar Vocational Training Center is a private Technical and Vocational College offers courses both in Technical and Business disciplines.WEBSITE

18KENYA INSTITUTE OF ENERGY (KIE)EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONKenya Institute of Energy is a privately owned Institute with headquarters in Lodwar, North Rift Kenya. Our main focus is to train students to be self-reliant and be able to generate income through the use of animal wastes- biogas, geographical conditions, and market access.

19KENYA POWER AND LIGHTING COMPANY PLC (KPLCGOVERNMENT AGENCYKenya Power owns and operates most of the electricity transmission and distribution system in the country and sells electricity to over 8 million as at end of June 2020.WEBSITE

20NATIONAL ENVIRONMENT MANAGEMENT AUTHORITY (NEMA)GOVERNMENT AGENCYNEMA coordinates the various environmental management activities being undertaken by the lead agencies,Promote the integration of environmental considerations into development policies, plans, programmes and projects, with a view to ensuring the proper management and rational utilization of environmental resources, on sustainable yield basis, for the improvement of the quality of human life in Kenya.WEBSITE