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1NATIONAL ENERGY POLICY 2018NATIONAL GOVERNMENT ENERGY DOCUMENTSThe overall objective of this Energy Policy is to ensure affordable, competitive, sustainable and reliable supply of energy at the least cost in order to achieve the national and county development needs, while protecting and conserving the environment for inter-generational benefits.WEBSITE

2ENERGY AND PETROLEUM STATISTICS REPORT 2019NATIONAL GOVERNMENT ENERGY DOCUMENTSThis Energy Statistics Report 2018 is the first in a series of annual reports on statistics and data for the energy, oil and gas sectors in Kenya. The Report provides a summary of data, key developments and emerging issues in electricity, renewable energy and Petroleum and Gas.WEBSITE

3DRAFT ENERGY (SOLAR PHOTOVOLTAIC) REGULATIONS 2019NATIONAL GOVERNMENT ENERGY DOCUMENTSThese are regulations for solar PV system manufacturers, importers, vendors, technicians, contractors, system owners, solar PV system installations and consumer devicesWEBSITE
4THE ENERGY ACT, 2019NATIONAL GOVERNMENT ENERGY DOCUMENTSKenya Gazette Provisions as to the conduct of business and affairs of the Energy and Petroleum Regulatory Authority (s.14), Rural Electrification and Renewable Energy Corporation (s.47) and Nuclear Power and Energy Agency (s.62).WEBSITE
5KENYA NATIONAL ELECTRIFICATION STRATEGY (2018)NATIONAL GOVERNMENT ENERGY DOCUMENTSThe Kenya National Electrification Strategy (KNES) is the roadmap to achieving universal access to electricity as a key plank of powering the Country’s development agenda.PDF
6KENYA VISION 2030NATIONAL GOVERNMENT ENERGY DOCUMENTSKenya Vision 2030 is the country’s new development blueprint covering the period 2008 to 2030.WEBSITE
7KENYA ACTION AGENDANATIONAL GOVERNMENT ENERGY DOCUMENTSThe goal of the initiative is to: mobilize all stakeholders to take concrete action toward ensuring universal access to modern energy services; double the global rate of improvement in energy efficiency and; double the share of renewable energy in the global energy mix, within the UN timeframe of 2030.WEBSITE

8BEHAVIOUR CHANGE AND COMMUNICATION STRATEGY FOR PROMOTING CLEAN COOKING IN KENYA (2022)NATIONAL GOVERNMENT ENERGY DOCUMENTSClean cooking is an important priority component of the Government of Kenya's development agenda. Its key policy objective is to fulfil the national obligations to Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) No. 7 of achieving universal and local commitments contained in the Sustainable Energy for All (SEforAll) and Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) that aim to accelerate actions in clean cooking to achieve the target. access to clean cooking solutions by 2028. This is aligned with other existing global PDF

9BASELINE STUDY ON THE POTENTIAL FOR POWER-TO-X / GREEN HYDROGEN IN KENYANATIONAL GOVERNMENT ENERGY DOCUMENTSThis report provides the results of the "Baseline Study on the Potential for Power-to-X / Green Hydrogen in Kenya" including PtX opportunities, Action Plan Outline and Investment Perspective.PDF

10GREEN HYDROGEN STRATEGY AND ROADMAP FOR KENYANATIONAL GOVERNMENT ENERGY DOCUMENTSThis strategy charts a course towards harnessing the potential of green hydrogen as a key driver of our energy transition. The analysis showed that Kenya has sufficient renewable energy resources that are available in the country for large scale production of green hydrogen without harming the availability and supply to electricity consumers.PDF

11DRAFT ENERGY (INTEGRATED NATIONAL ENERGY PLANS) 2021NATIONAL GOVERNMENT ENERGY DOCUMENTSThese are regulations applying to National Government and its entities; County Government and its entities, Development Partners, Private-sector Entities, Non-governmental Organizations and any other relevant stakeholder(s) that are involved in identification, implementation and financing of energy projects including the provision of energy services.PDF

12FOREST CONSERVATION AND MANAGEMENT ACT 2016NATIONAL GOVERNMENT ENERGY DOCUMENTSKenya Gazette AN ACT of Parliament to give effect to Article 69 of the Constitution with regard to forest resources; to provide for the development and sustainable management, including conservation and rational utilization of all forest resources for the socioeconomic development of the country and for connected purposes.PDF
13KENYA NATIONAL ENERGY EFFICIENCY AND CONSERVATION STRATEGY 2020NATIONAL GOVERNMENT ENERGY DOCUMENTSThe country has several initiatives aimed at improving energy efficiency and conservation. This strategy provides central coordination for efficiency initiatives and regulations in commercial, domestic, industrial and institutional sectors of energy consumption.WEBSITE

14UNITAR, GPA, SNV - A ROADMAP FOR ENERGY ACCESS IN DISPLACEMENT SETTINGS: KENYADISPLACEMENT SETTINGS STUDIES & REPORTSThis report summarises the status of energy access in displacement settings in Kenya with a focus on Kakuma and Kalobeyei due to the relative availability of relevant resources. It provides an overview of the stakeholders working towards SDG 7 and presents opportunities for high-impact projects to support increased access to sustainable energy for displaced people and host communities.WEBSITE

15KALOBEYEI INTEGRATED SOCIO-ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT PLAN IN TURKANA WEST PHASE II (KISEDP 2023 - 2027)DISPLACEMENT SETTINGS STUDIES & REPORTSThe Kalobeyei Integrated Socio-Economic Development Plan (KISEDP) is a 15-year comprehensive multi-sectoral and multi-stakeholder initiative to benefit the 250,850 refugees and 255,976 members of host communities (as of December 2022). It aims to bridge the gap between humanitarian assistance and development in response to increasing needs, risks and vulnerabilities faced in new and protracted displacement situations.PDF

16KISEDP PROGRESS REPORTDISPLACEMENT SETTINGS STUDIES & REPORTSKalobeyei Integrated Socio-Economic Development Programme (KISEDP) in Turkana West. KISEDP usesPDF

17RESOURCE ASSESSMENT - BIOMASSDISPLACEMENT SETTINGS STUDIES & REPORTSThis is an assessment of biomass energy resources in Turkana County.
18RESOURCE ASSESSMENT - GEOTHERMALDISPLACEMENT SETTINGS STUDIES & REPORTSThis is an assessment of geothermal energy resources in Turkana County.
19RESOURCE ASSESSMENT - HYDROPOWERDISPLACEMENT SETTINGS STUDIES & REPORTSThis is an assessment of hydropower energy resources in Turkana County.
20RESOURCE ASSESSMENT - FOSSIL FUELDISPLACEMENT SETTINGS STUDIES & REPORTSThis is an assessment of fossil fuel energy resources in Turkana County.
21RESOURCE ASSESSMENT - SOLARDISPLACEMENT SETTINGS STUDIES & REPORTSThis is an assessment of solar energy resources in Turkana County.
22RESOURCE ASSESSMENT - WASTE RESOURCESDISPLACEMENT SETTINGS STUDIES & REPORTSThis is an assessment of waste resources energy resources in Turkana County.
23RESOURCE ASSESSMENT - WINDDISPLACEMENT SETTINGS STUDIES & REPORTSThis is an assessment of wind energy resources in Turkana County
24THE TURKANA COUNTY INTEGRATED DEVELOPMENT PLAN (CIDP II) FOR 2018-2022TURKANA COUNTY ENERGY DOCUMENTSThe CIDP II is based on a strategic restructure of departmental sectors that include: Agriculture, Pastoral Economy and Fisheries; Education, Sports and Social Protection; Finance and Economic Planning; Health and Sanitation; Infrastructure, Transport and Public Works; Lands, Energy, Housing and Urban Areas Development; Office of the Governor; Tourism, Culture and Natural Resources; Trade, Gender and Youth Affairs; Public Service and Disaster Management; and Water, Environment and Mineral Resources.
25THE KALOBEYEI INTEGRATED SOCIO-ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME (KISEDP PHASE ONE: 2018-2022)DISPLACEMENT SETTINGS STUDIES & REPORTSDuring phase I of KISEDP the need for accessible basic social services provision and protection for refugees and host communities in Turkana West will continue to be funded while efforts to strengthen the humanitarian-development nexus and scale up innovative delivery modalities such as cash-based interventions (CBIs) will gradually be increased. Partners will also use their comparative advantages to further enhance technical and institutional capacities and promote inclusive national service delivery systems for better resilience and sustainability.
26ESIA REPORT FOR KAERIS TRADING CENTRE, TURKANA COUNTYOTHER REPORTS & STUDIESEnvironmental and Social Impact Assessment Report for the 50 kw AC Mini-Grids in Selected Un-Electrified Areas Kaeris Trading Centre, Turkana County.WEBSITE